April 2023 Release Notes
Trend Emails:
An account trend email is a tool to help deliver the most or least engaged accounts to the people who need to act on that change. It leverages your default engagement (or surge scoring) model and system administrators can make various configuration choices to ensure only the most relevant accounts are being surfaced via email.
Attribution Configuration:
Frequently, customers want to have the option of creating their own Custom Attribution Models. The Attribution Configuration feature allows users to create logic that weights attribution based on custom settings. This allows users to adjust the scoring of the attribution models based on their business goals and objectives, giving them more control over their analytics data.
Kickfire Integration: (Beta)
KickFire is an IP de-anonymization tool. This integration will compare the IP address of your website visitors to a robust database, enabling you to determine the companies they work for. KickFire is only as effective as a web visitor's willingness to share their information. In our instance, KickFire de-anonymized approximately 3% of our total web traffic beyond what Clearbit Reveal exposed.