August 2024
Funnels - Comparison
This Dashboard shows you how well your Funnel is performing in a given stage compared to previous time periods. Questions this dashboard answers include:
How does the velocity and total of the selected chart measure compare to previous periods?
Is my velocity based on the chart measure improving or falling off?
Funnels - Cohort
This Dashboard shows you how different groups compare to each other based on different performance metrics. For example, you might want to see which industry is more likely to make it to a certain Funnel Stage, or where certain industries tend to get stuck in your Funnel. Some common questions marketing teams ask using the Funnels are:
How do different groups move through the funnel and where they get stuck?
Where do different groups exit the Funnel?
Where are various groups in the Funnel right now?
How do various groups compare to each other?
How long does it typically take for journeys to complete the funnel or generate pipeline?
What quarters/months were journeys more successful at completing journeys or generating pipeline?
Funnels - Journey
You can find detailed Funnel Journey information on the Funnels Journey Tab. Additionally, you can access by clicking on the numbers of Journeys in the rest of the Funnels Dashboard. Soon you will be able to see the 350 Journeys that reached the MQL stage last month by clicking the link to the Journeys report. Behind the scenes, the Dashboard will be passing along the currently applied filters to show you the Journeys behind the numbers.
Data Usage Communication
In order to allow customers to better understand their data usage we’ve added some new features to the our product roadmap for future updates. The first installment of these updates is an overage alert email communication. This communication will be sent the day the data usage limit is met. You can see a breakdown of your organization's usage by connector by navigating to the Insights - Data Health and Integrity - Connector Health area in your instance. We are also developing a new Analytics version of this report to allow you to see the data sync at a more granular level. Please see an example of this communication below: