November 2021 Release Notes

CSV / TSV List Upload

This feature allows the user to upload a CSV or TSV file from their computer into their BQ instance. The import pushes a file to Google Storage. Here it remains for 1 week and is then deleted. Next it loads the file into Big Query from Google Storage, any parsing errors are returned at this point. Finally, the list is created with references to any tables used in its creation. The user is provided this list


  • Uploading a list of target accounts for an ABM play

  • Identifying a segment of people based on an enriched list from a vendor

  • Backfilling information that was populated in a spreadsheet

Facebook Connections Pages Tab

Facebook connections now have a Pages tab where users can enable the pages for us to sync lead data from.

LinkedIn Lead Data Check

LinkedIn connection refreshes and account sync toggles now check to see if the user has access to Lead data. The user is shown an error if the check fails.

Facebook Lead Access Check

The system will check if a user has access to leads before allowing a Facebook Page to be enabled for syncing. Also, if a user does not have access to any of the pages currently enabled, a message will appear in the Facebook Pages UI.

Configuration Screen for cm_campaign___msft

We have added a configuration screen for the CaliberMind table created from the Microsoft Dynamics Campaign data.

SFTP Created At Logging

The SFTP user creation listing has been updated to include a “Created At” column allowing users to more easily determine which SFTP user they just created.

Configuration Screen for cm_campaign___hubspot

We have added a configuration screen for the CaliberMind table created from the Hubspot Campaign data.